Thursday, October 11, 2012

VP debate - substance AND style

Watching the Vice Presidential debate this evening, there a few moments that made it stand apart from the first Obama/Romney debate.

Like President Obama, Joe Biden brought real substance. Like Romney, Biden also brought real style as well.

Few politicians can properly add a smirk and a smile and not look condescending. When calling BS on a debate opponent's blatant BS, the risk of immediately "losing" the debate due to style is a very real danger. Optics matter. Even if your substance has fact-checkers declaring that nearly every statement you made were falsehoods, optics are what make a candidate most connect to viewers. Roll your eyes at even the most insane obvious flat-out lie, and you likely lose just for that one facial expression. It is a rare political gift to be able to simultaneously express umbrage, humility and a smile at an opponent's unsubstantiated claims, and not lose a sense of connection to the audience as a result.

Joe Biden has that gift.

In tonight's Vice-Presidential debate, during Paul Ryan's first answer, Joe called it a bunch of malarkey.

In that statement alone, delivered with a confidence and a smile, Joe Biden offered what Obama supporters have been complaining about since the first debate. Where President Obama failed to call Mitt Romney a liar, Joe Biden did so in the opening question.

There will no doubt be plenty of people who will see Joe Biden not as a combination of both likable AND strong in a debate, but bullying. You are sure to hear complaints of Joe's interruptions to Paul Ryan's answers. I suspect you will hear few left leaning people offer such a criticism, and I suspect you will comically hear plenty of right-leaning people passionately argue such a charge. Even after praising Mitt Romney for "winning" his debate, despite the multitude of inaccuracies (to put it kindly).

Those who are already ardently against Obama/Biden will not connect to him no matter how assertive nor how meek he may come across in a debate. No debate "win" or "loss" will change their view. Yet for those who support or mildly lean toward even a potential of support for Obama/Biden, a facial expression that comes off as condescending could easily push away potential support. This risk was higher for President Obama than it was for Vice-President Joe Biden. Biden simply has that political gift.

Tonight, he used it to full effect. The debate format was more open than the first Presidential debate. Biden took full advantage of that and jumped in whenever Ryan offered rhetoric without 'rithmetic. Paul Ryan's unsubstantiated talking points were hammered to a dull speck before he even finished his sentence. Joe Biden pulled that off with ease.

Even when Joe was the target of a Ryan zinger, Joe stung back with much more purpose. After Paul Ryan comments that the words don't always come out of Joe Biden's mouth the right way, Joe stabs at Mitt Romney with the reply "But I always say what I mean."

If you didn't see the debate, I really think it is worth the time to watch. Much was covered between economic, social safety net, and foreign policy. The differences were clearly presented.

One such difference is summed up in this image...

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