From e-mail to facebook to blog. An inevitable progression.
It started with my friend Dylan. An occasional reply to a forwarded political e-mail. It grew to include detailed fact-checking, and quickly evolved into mini-editorials. I finally joined the world of Facebook and the political dialogue entered a wider sphere. My fact-checking, my thoughts, my voice grew as I had conversations with more of my friends. From music to politics. Most often, most complex, and most passionate however were the conversations on politics. Though I may sometimes smile at a clever twist of words, bumper sticker slogans tend to be insanely insufficient for discussions of politics. Usually the thoughts bouncing around in my little brain cannot be expressed in 120 characters or less. Nor could they typically be done any justice in just one paragraph. The extent of my comments oft seem out of place buried within the reply comments of various Facebook content. (I've even had some comments too big to fit.) The point is, I've grown to enjoy writing. Despite sporadic output, despite it being more cathartic for me than it is entertaining or informative for those who read it, I do believe it is time. It is time to start my own blog.
This is simply an introduction and a welcome. The majority of the blog entries will likely be political in nature. The title gives a clue into my nature. I am liberal in heart. It is balanced by a moderate mind. Others may peg me differently. That's the nature of politics. But liberal heart, moderate mind should give a clue as to where my perspectives will lead me. Entries will be sporadic, depending on available time, and feeling I have something to say. I do not plan on leaving Facebook, but I suspect that I may blog ideas here, and post links rather than continue to post mini-editorials on Facebook. The first few posts here may even be re-edited postings of previous Facebook content I posted on other's pages. (Like I said, some posts were essentially editorials already.)
I chose because it is free, and it appears to have everything needed to get started, including the ability for readers to comment. That brings up a key point. The idea of censorship and free speech. I have written on this earlier a few times, especially in the political aftermath of Jared Loughner. (Reposting some of that writing here will most likely happen soon.) Though I argue the responsibility of free speech must lie within the individual and society at large to pushback against irresponsible language in order for free speech to survive, the rules will be slightly different here. I ask that foul language be left out if possible, or severely minimized if felt it is really needed to make a particular point. I want this site to be one that does not devolve into the vile troll mentality that so permeates far too much of the cyber-world. I want the content here to viewable by all ages capable of reading. I have no desire to have to play the role of civil police or censor to this word or that. I have no desire to, but if it becomes necessary in order to keep the site amicable to all ages, then I won't hesitate.
Well, I think I now have the basics in place here. I'm sure I've got more to learn about layout, site upkeep, etc., but I should have content coming soon. I hope you enjoy reading my rants. If you want to see what I do musically, then visit my website
Best wishes,
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